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OTP APIs and Data Sources


Several different services are built upon this routing library, and expose APIs:


The GTFS GraphQL API has been used by the Digitransit and otp-react-redux projects in production for many years.

The Transmodel GraphQL API is the Transmodel API (version 3) used at Entur in production since 2020.

The Actuator API provides endpoints for checking the health status of the OTP instance. It can be useful when running OTP in a container.

Legacy APIs (to be removed)

The OTP REST API used to power many apps and frontends. For years it was the only way to access OTP programmatically.

Over time it has been replaced by the GraphQL APIs and is scheduled to be disabled by default and eventually removed completely. It's therefore not recommended to use it.

Input Formats

At the core of OpenTripPlanner is a library of Java code that finds efficient paths through multi-modal transportation networks built from OpenStreetMap and GTFS data. It can also receive GTFS-RT (realtime) data...

In addition to GTFS, OTP can also load data in the Nordic Profile of Netex, the EU-standard transit data interchange format. The upcoming EU-wide profile was heavily influenced by the Nordic Profile and uses the same schema, so eventual support for the full the EU profile is a possibility.

GTFS and Netex data are converted into OTP's own internal model which is a superset of both. It is therefore possible to mix Netex and GTFS data, and potentially even data from other sources.