PlanTransitModesInput Input Object
Modes for different phases of an itinerary when transit is included. Also includes street mode selections related to connecting to the transit network and transfers.
Street mode that is used when searching for access to the transit network from origin.
If more than one mode is selected, at least one of them must be used but not necessarily all.
There are modes that automatically also use walking such as the rental modes. To force rental
to be used, this should only include the rental mode and not WALK
in addition.
Street mode that is used when searching for egress to destination from the transit network.
If more than one mode is selected, at least one of them must be used but not necessarily all.
There are modes that automatically also use walking such as the rental modes. To force rental
to be used, this should only include the rental mode and not WALK
in addition.
Street mode that is used when searching for transfers. Selection of only one allowed for now.
Transit modes and reluctances associated with them. Each defined mode can be used in an itinerary but doesn't have to be. If direct search is not disabled, there can be an itinerary without any transit legs. By default, all transit modes are usable.