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Route Request

The RouteRequest is the type for the routingDefaults in router-config.json and in the transferRequests in build-config.json.

Config Parameter Type Summary Req./Opt. Default Value Since
alightSlack duration The minimum extra time after exiting a public transport vehicle. Optional "PT0S" 2.0
allowKeepingRentedBicycleAtDestination boolean If a vehicle should be allowed to be kept at the end of a station-based rental. Optional false 2.2
arriveBy boolean Whether the trip should depart or arrive at the specified date and time. Optional false 2.0
bikeBoardCost integer Prevents unnecessary transfers by adding a cost for boarding a vehicle. Optional 600 2.0
bikeParkCost integer Cost to park a bike. Optional 120 2.0
bikeParkTime integer Time to park a bike. Optional 60 2.0
bikeReluctance double A multiplier for how bad biking is, compared to being in transit for equal lengths of time. Optional 2.0 2.0
bikeRentalDropoffCost integer Cost to drop-off a rented bike. Optional 30 2.0
bikeRentalDropoffTime integer Time to drop-off a rented bike. Optional 30 2.0
bikeRentalPickupCost integer Cost to rent a bike. Optional 120 2.0
bikeRentalPickupTime integer Time to rent a bike. Optional 60 2.0
bikeSpeed double Max bike speed along streets, in meters per second Optional 5.0 2.0
bikeSwitchCost integer The cost of the user fetching their bike and parking it again. Optional 0 2.0
bikeSwitchTime integer The time it takes the user to fetch their bike and park it again in seconds. Optional 0 2.0
bikeTriangleSafetyFactor double For bike triangle routing, how much safety matters (range 0-1). Optional 0.0 2.0
bikeTriangleSlopeFactor double For bike triangle routing, how much slope matters (range 0-1). Optional 0.0 2.0
bikeTriangleTimeFactor double For bike triangle routing, how much time matters (range 0-1). Optional 0.0 2.0
bikeWalkingReluctance double A multiplier for how bad walking with a bike is, compared to being in transit for equal lengths of time. Optional 5.0 2.1
bikeWalkingSpeed double The user's bike walking speed in meters/second. Defaults to approximately 3 MPH. Optional 1.33 2.1
boardSlack duration The boardSlack is the minimum extra time to board a public transport vehicle. Optional "PT0S" 2.0
carAccelerationSpeed double The acceleration speed of an automobile, in meters per second per second. Optional 2.9 2.0
carDecelerationSpeed double The deceleration speed of an automobile, in meters per second per second. Optional 2.9 2.0
carDropoffTime integer Time to park a car in a park and ride, w/o taking into account driving and walking cost. Optional 120 2.0
carParkCost integer Cost of parking a car. Optional 120 2.1
carParkTime integer Time to park a car Optional 60 2.1
carPickupCost integer Add a cost for car pickup changes when a pickup or drop off takes place Optional 120 2.1
carPickupTime integer Add a time for car pickup changes when a pickup or drop off takes place Optional 60 2.1
carReluctance double A multiplier for how bad driving is, compared to being in transit for equal lengths of time. Optional 2.0 2.0
carSpeed double Max car speed along streets, in meters per second Optional 40.0 2.0
drivingDirection enum The driving direction to use in the intersection traversal calculation Optional "right" 2.2
elevatorBoardCost integer What is the cost of boarding a elevator? Optional 90 2.0
elevatorBoardTime integer How long does it take to get on an elevator, on average. Optional 90 2.0
elevatorHopCost integer What is the cost of travelling one floor on an elevator? Optional 20 2.0
elevatorHopTime integer How long does it take to advance one floor on an elevator? Optional 20 2.0
geoidElevation boolean If true, the Graph's ellipsoidToGeoidDifference is applied to all elevations returned by this query. Optional false 2.0
ignoreRealtimeUpdates boolean When true, realtime updates are ignored during this search. Optional false 2.0
intersectionTraversalModel enum The model that computes the costs of turns. Optional "simple" 2.2
keepingRentedBicycleAtDestinationCost double The cost of arriving at the destination with the rented bicycle, to discourage doing so. Optional 0.0 2.2
locale locale TODO Optional "en_US" 2.0
maxAccessEgressDuration duration This is the maximum duration for access/egress for street searches. Optional "PT45M" 2.1
maxDirectStreetDuration duration This is the maximum duration for a direct street search for each mode. Optional "PT4H" 2.1
maxJourneyDuration duration The expected maximum time a journey can last across all possible journeys for the current deployment. Optional "PT24H" 2.1
modes string The set of access/egress/direct/transit modes to be used for the route search. Optional "TRANSIT,WALK" 2.0
nonpreferredTransferPenalty integer Penalty (in seconds) for using a non-preferred transfer. Optional 180 2.0
numItineraries integer The maximum number of itineraries to return. Optional 50 2.0
optimize enum The set of characteristics that the user wants to optimize for. Optional "safe" 2.0
otherThanPreferredRoutesPenalty integer Penalty added for using every route that is not preferred if user set any route as preferred. Optional 300 2.0
searchWindow duration The duration of the search-window. Optional 2.0
stairsReluctance double Used instead of walkReluctance for stairs. Optional 2.0 2.0
stairsTimeFactor double How much more time does it take to walk a flight of stairs compared to walking a similar horizontal length. Optional 3.0 2.1
transferPenalty integer An additional penalty added to boardings after the first. Optional 0 2.0
transferSlack integer The extra time needed to make a safe transfer in seconds. Optional 120 2.0
turnReluctance double Multiplicative factor on expected turning time. Optional 1.0 2.0
unpreferredCost linear-function A cost function used to calculate penalty for an unpreferred route. Optional "f(x) = 0 + 1.0 x" 2.2
useBikeRentalAvailabilityInformation boolean Whether or not bike rental availability information will be used to plan bike rental trips. Optional false 2.0
useVehicleParkingAvailabilityInformation boolean TODO: Add short summary. Optional false 2.1
waitReluctance double How much worse is waiting for a transit vehicle than being on a transit vehicle, as a multiplier. Optional 1.0 2.0
walkBoardCost integer Prevents unnecessary transfers by adding a cost for boarding a vehicle. This is the cost that is used when boarding while walking. Optional 600 2.0
walkReluctance double A multiplier for how bad walking is, compared to being in transit for equal lengths of time. Optional 2.0 2.0
walkSafetyFactor double Factor for how much the walk safety is considered in routing. Optional 1.0 2.2
walkSpeed double The user's walking speed in meters/second. Optional 1.33 2.0
alightSlackForMode enum map of duration How much time alighting a vehicle takes for each given mode. Optional 2.0
allowedVehicleRentalNetworks string[] The vehicle rental networks which may be used. If empty all networks may be used. Optional 2.1
bannedVehicleParkingTags string[] Tags with which a vehicle parking will not be used. If empty, no tags are banned Optional 2.1
bannedVehicleRentalNetworks string[] he vehicle rental networks which may not be used. If empty, no networks are banned. Optional 2.1
boardSlackForMode enum map of duration How much time ride a vehicle takes for each given mode. Optional 2.0
itineraryFilters object Configure itinerary filters that may modify itineraries, sort them, and filter away less preferable results. Optional 2.0
   accessibilityScore boolean An experimental feature contributed by IBI which adds a sandbox accessibility score between 0 and 1 for each leg and itinerary. Optional false 2.2
   bikeRentalDistanceRatio double Filter routes that consist of bike-rental and walking by the minimum fraction of the bike-rental leg using distance. Optional 0.0 2.1
   debug boolean Enable this to attach a system notice to itineraries instead of removing them. This is very convenient when tuning the filters. Optional false 2.0
   filterItinerariesWithSameFirstOrLastTrip boolean If more than one itinerary begins or ends with same trip, filter out one of those itineraries so that only one remains. Optional false 2.2
   groupSimilarityKeepOne double Pick ONE itinerary from each group after putting itineraries that are 85% similar together. Optional 0.85 2.1
   groupSimilarityKeepThree double Reduce the number of itineraries to three itineraries by reducing each group of itineraries grouped by 68% similarity. Optional 0.68 2.1
   groupedOtherThanSameLegsMaxCostMultiplier double Filter grouped itineraries, where the non-grouped legs are more expensive than in the lowest cost one. Optional 2.0 2.1
   nonTransitGeneralizedCostLimit linear-function The function define a max-limit for generalized-cost for non-transit itineraries. Optional "f(x) = 3,600 + 2.0 x" 2.1
   parkAndRideDurationRatio double Filter P+R routes that consist of driving and walking by the minimum fraction of the driving using of time. Optional 0.0 2.1
   removeItinerariesWithSameRoutesAndStops boolean Set to true if you want to list only the first itinerary which goes through the same stops and routes. Optional false 2.2
   transitGeneralizedCostLimit object A relative limit for the generalized-cost for transit itineraries. Optional 2.1
maxAccessEgressDurationForMode enum map of duration Limit access/egress per street mode. Optional 2.1
maxDirectStreetDurationForMode enum map of duration Limit direct route duration per street mode. Optional 2.2
requiredVehicleParkingTags string[] Tags which are required to use a vehicle parking. If empty, no tags are required. Optional 2.1
transferOptimization object Optimize where a transfer between to trip happens. Optional 2.1
   backTravelWaitTimeFactor double To reduce back-travel we favor waiting, this reduces the cost of waiting. Optional 1.0 2.1
   extraStopBoardAlightCostsFactor double Add an extra board- and alight-cost for prioritized stops. Optional 0.0 2.1
   minSafeWaitTimeFactor double Used to set a maximum wait-time cost, base on min-safe-transfer-time. Optional 5.0 2.1
   optimizeTransferWaitTime boolean This enables the transfer wait time optimization. Optional true 2.1
transitReluctanceForMode enum map of double Transit reluctance for a given transport mode Optional 2.1
unpreferred object Parameters listing authorities or lines that preferably should not be used in trip patters. Optional 2.2
wheelchairAccessibility object See Wheelchair Accessibility Optional 2.2
   enabled boolean Enable wheelchair accessibility. Optional false 2.0
   inaccessibleStreetReluctance double The factor to multiply the cost of traversing a street edge that is not wheelchair-accessible. Optional 25.0 2.2
   maxSlope double The maximum slope as a fraction of 1. Optional 0.083 2.0
   slopeExceededReluctance double How much streets with high slope should be avoided. Optional 1.0 2.2
   stairsReluctance double How much stairs should be avoided. Optional 100.0 2.2
   elevator object Configuration for when to use inaccessible elevators. Optional 2.2
   stop object Configuration for when to use inaccessible stops. Optional 2.2
      inaccessibleCost integer The cost to add when traversing an entity which is know to be inaccessible. Optional 3600 2.2
      onlyConsiderAccessible boolean Whether to only use this entity if it is explicitly marked as wheelchair accessible. Optional true 2.2
      unknownCost integer The cost to add when traversing an entity with unknown accessibility information. Optional 600 2.2
   trip object Configuration for when to use inaccessible trips. Optional 2.2
      inaccessibleCost integer The cost to add when traversing an entity which is know to be inaccessible. Optional 3600 2.2
      onlyConsiderAccessible boolean Whether to only use this entity if it is explicitly marked as wheelchair accessible. Optional true 2.2
      unknownCost integer The cost to add when traversing an entity with unknown accessibility information. Optional 600 2.2

Parameter Details


Since version: 2.0Type: durationCardinality: OptionalDefault value: "PT0S" \ Path: /routingDefaults

The minimum extra time after exiting a public transport vehicle.

The slack is added to the time when going from the transit vehicle to the stop.


Since version: 2.0Type: integerCardinality: OptionalDefault value: 600 \ Path: /routingDefaults

Prevents unnecessary transfers by adding a cost for boarding a vehicle.

This is the cost that is used when boarding while cycling.This is usually higher that walkBoardCost.


Since version: 2.0Type: durationCardinality: OptionalDefault value: "PT0S" \ Path: /routingDefaults

The boardSlack is the minimum extra time to board a public transport vehicle.

The board time is added to the time when going from the stop (offboard) to onboard a transit vehicle.

This is the same as the minimumTransferTime, except that this also apply to to the first transit leg in the trip. This is the default value used, if not overridden by the boardSlackList.


Since version: 2.2Type: enumCardinality: OptionalDefault value: "right" \ Path: /routingDefaults \ Enum values: right | left

The driving direction to use in the intersection traversal calculation


Since version: 2.2Type: enumCardinality: OptionalDefault value: "simple" \ Path: /routingDefaults \ Enum values: norway | simple

The model that computes the costs of turns.


Since version: 2.1Type: durationCardinality: OptionalDefault value: "PT45M" \ Path: /routingDefaults

This is the maximum duration for access/egress for street searches.

This is a performance limit and should therefore be set high. Results close to the limit are not guaranteed to be optimal. Use itinerary-filters to limit what is presented to the client. The duration can be set per mode(maxAccessEgressDurationForMode), because some street modes searches are much more resource intensive than others. A default value is applied if the mode specific value do not exist.


Since version: 2.1Type: durationCardinality: OptionalDefault value: "PT4H" \ Path: /routingDefaults

This is the maximum duration for a direct street search for each mode.

This is a performance limit and should therefore be set high. Results close to the limit are not guaranteed to be optimal. Use itinerary-filters to limit what is presented to the client. The duration can be set per mode(maxDirectStreetDurationForMode), because some street modes searches are much more resource intensive than others. A default value is applied if the mode specific value do not exist."


Since version: 2.1Type: durationCardinality: OptionalDefault value: "PT24H" \ Path: /routingDefaults

The expected maximum time a journey can last across all possible journeys for the current deployment.

Normally you would just do an estimate and add enough slack, so you are sure that there is no journeys that falls outside this window. The parameter is used find all possible dates for the journey and then search only the services which run on those dates. The duration must include access, egress, wait-time and transit time for the whole journey. It should also take low frequency days/periods like holidays into account. In other words, pick the two points within your area that has the worst connection and then try to travel on the worst possible day, and find the maximum journey duration. Using a value that is too high has the effect of including more patterns in the search, hence, making it a bit slower. Recommended values would be from 12 hours(small town/city), 1 day (region) to 2 days (country like Norway)."


Since version: 2.0Type: enumCardinality: OptionalDefault value: "safe" \ Path: /routingDefaults \ Enum values: quick | safe | flat | greenways | triangle

The set of characteristics that the user wants to optimize for.


Since version: 2.0Type: integerCardinality: OptionalDefault value: 300 \ Path: /routingDefaults

Penalty added for using every route that is not preferred if user set any route as preferred.

We return number of seconds that we are willing to wait for preferred route.


Since version: 2.0Type: durationCardinality: Optional \ Path: /routingDefaults

The duration of the search-window.

This is the time/duration in seconds from the earliest-departure-time(EDT) to the latest-departure-time(LDT). In case of a reverse search it will be the time from earliest to latest arrival time (LAT - EAT).

All optimal travels that depart within the search window is guarantied to be found.

This is sometimes referred to as the Range Raptor Search Window - but could be used in a none Transit search as well; Hence this is named search-window and not raptor-search-window.

This is normally dynamically calculated by the server. Use null to unset, and zero to do one Raptor iteration. The value is dynamically assigned a suitable value, if not set. In a small to medium size operation you may use a fixed value, like 60 minutes. If you have a mixture of high frequency cities routes and infrequent long distant journeys, the best option is normally to use the dynamic auto assignment. If not provided the value is resolved depending on the other input parameters, available transit options and realtime changes.

There is no need to set this when going to the next/previous page. The OTP Server will increase/decrease the search-window when paging to match the requested number of itineraries.


Since version: 2.1Type: doubleCardinality: OptionalDefault value: 3.0 \ Path: /routingDefaults

How much more time does it take to walk a flight of stairs compared to walking a similar horizontal length.

Default value is based on: Fujiyama, T., & Tyler, N. (2010). Predicting the walking speed of pedestrians on stairs. Transportation Planning and Technology, 33(2), 177–202.


Since version: 2.0Type: integerCardinality: OptionalDefault value: 0 \ Path: /routingDefaults

An additional penalty added to boardings after the first.

The value is in OTP's internal weight units, which are roughly equivalent to seconds. Set this to a high value to discourage transfers. Of course, transfers that save significant time or walking will still be taken.


Since version: 2.0Type: integerCardinality: OptionalDefault value: 120 \ Path: /routingDefaults

The extra time needed to make a safe transfer in seconds.

An expected transfer time in seconds that specifies the amount of time that must pass between exiting one public transport vehicle and boarding another. This time is in addition to time it might take to walk between stops, the board-slack, and the alight-slack."


Since version: 2.2Type: linear-functionCardinality: OptionalDefault value: "f(x) = 0 + 1.0 x" \ Path: /routingDefaults

A cost function used to calculate penalty for an unpreferred route.

Function should return number of seconds that we are willing to wait for preferred route or for an unpreferred agency's departure. For example, 600 + 2.0 x


Since version: 2.0Type: doubleCardinality: OptionalDefault value: 2.0 \ Path: /routingDefaults

A multiplier for how bad walking is, compared to being in transit for equal lengths of time.

Empirically, values between 2 and 4 seem to correspond well to the concept of not wanting to walk too much without asking for totally ridiculous itineraries, but this observation should in no way be taken as scientific or definitive. Your mileage may vary. See for impact on performance with high values.


Since version: 2.2Type: doubleCardinality: OptionalDefault value: 1.0 \ Path: /routingDefaults

Factor for how much the walk safety is considered in routing.

Value should be between 0 and 1. If the value is set to be 0, safety is ignored.


Since version: 2.0Type: enum map of durationCardinality: Optional \ Path: /routingDefaults \ Enum keys: rail | coach | subway | bus | tram | ferry | airplane | cable-car | gondola | funicular | trolleybus | monorail

How much time alighting a vehicle takes for each given mode.

Sometimes there is a need to configure a longer alighting times for specific modes, such as airplanes or ferries.


Since version: 2.1Type: string[]Cardinality: Optional \ Path: /routingDefaults

The vehicle rental networks which may be used. If empty all networks may be used.


Since version: 2.1Type: string[]Cardinality: Optional \ Path: /routingDefaults

Tags with which a vehicle parking will not be used. If empty, no tags are banned


Since version: 2.1Type: string[]Cardinality: Optional \ Path: /routingDefaults

he vehicle rental networks which may not be used. If empty, no networks are banned.


Since version: 2.0Type: enum map of durationCardinality: Optional \ Path: /routingDefaults \ Enum keys: rail | coach | subway | bus | tram | ferry | airplane | cable-car | gondola | funicular | trolleybus | monorail

How much time ride a vehicle takes for each given mode.

Sometimes there is a need to configure a board times for specific modes, such as airplanes or ferries, where the check-in process needs to be done in good time before ride.


Since version: 2.0Type: objectCardinality: Optional \ Path: /routingDefaults

Configure itinerary filters that may modify itineraries, sort them, and filter away less preferable results.

The purpose of the itinerary filter chain is to post process the result returned by the routing search. The filters may modify itineraries, sort them, and filter away less preferable results.

OTP2 may produce numerous pareto-optimal results when using time, number-of-transfers and generalized-cost as criteria. Use the parameters listed here to reduce/filter the itineraries return by the search engine before returning the results to client. There is also a few mandatory non-configurable filters removing none optimal results. You may see these filters pop-up in the filter debugging.

Group by similarity filters

The group-by-filter is a bit complex, but should be simple to use. Set debug=true and experiment with searchWindow and the three group-by parameters(groupSimilarityKeepOne, groupSimilarityKeepThree and groupedOtherThanSameLegsMaxCostMultiplier).

The group-by-filter work by grouping itineraries together and then reducing the number of itineraries in each group, keeping the itinerary/itineraries with the best itinerary generalized-cost. The group-by function first pick all transit legs that account for more than N% of the itinerary based on distance traveled. This become the group-key. Two keys are the same if all legs in one of the keys also exist in the other. Note, one key may have a larger set of legs than the other, but they can still be the same. When comparing two legs we compare the tripId and make sure the legs overlap in place and time. Two legs are the same if both legs ride at least a common subsection of the same trip. The keepOne filter will keep ONE itinerary in each group. The keepThree keeps 3 itineraries for each group.

The grouped itineraries can be further reduced by using groupedOtherThanSameLegsMaxCostMultiplier. This parameter filters out itineraries, where the legs that are not common for all the grouped itineraries have a much higher cost, than the lowest in the group. By default, it filters out itineraries that are at least double in cost for the non-grouped legs.


Since version: 2.2Type: booleanCardinality: OptionalDefault value: false \ Path: /routingDefaults/itineraryFilters

An experimental feature contributed by IBI which adds a sandbox accessibility score between 0 and 1 for each leg and itinerary.

This can be used by frontend developers to implement a simple traffic light UI.


Since version: 2.1Type: doubleCardinality: OptionalDefault value: 0.0 \ Path: /routingDefaults/itineraryFilters

Filter routes that consist of bike-rental and walking by the minimum fraction of the bike-rental leg using distance.

This filters out results that consist of a long walk plus a relatively short bike rental leg. A value of 0.3 means that a minimum of 30% of the total distance must be spent on the bike in order for the result to be included.


Since version: 2.2Type: booleanCardinality: OptionalDefault value: false \ Path: /routingDefaults/itineraryFilters

If more than one itinerary begins or ends with same trip, filter out one of those itineraries so that only one remains.

Trips are considered equal if they have same id and same service day. Non-transit legs are skipped during comparison. Before filtering, trips are sorted by their generalized cost. The algorithm loops through the list from top to bottom. If an itinerary matches from any other itinerary from above, it is removed from list.


Since version: 2.1Type: doubleCardinality: OptionalDefault value: 2.0 \ Path: /routingDefaults/itineraryFilters

Filter grouped itineraries, where the non-grouped legs are more expensive than in the lowest cost one.

Of the itineraries grouped to maximum of three itineraries, how much worse can the non-grouped legs be compared to the lowest cost. 2.0 means that they can be double the cost, and any itineraries having a higher cost will be filtered.


Since version: 2.1Type: linear-functionCardinality: OptionalDefault value: "f(x) = 3,600 + 2.0 x" \ Path: /routingDefaults/itineraryFilters

The function define a max-limit for generalized-cost for non-transit itineraries.

The max-limit is applied to itineraries with no transit legs, however all itineraries (including those with transit legs) are considered when calculating the minimum cost. The smallest generalized-cost value is used as input to the function. The function is used to calculate a max-limit. The max-limit is then used to filter non-transit itineraries by generalized-cost. Itineraries with a cost higher than the max-limit are dropped from the result set.

For example if the function is f(x) = 1800 + 2.0 x and the smallest cost is 5000, then all non-transit itineraries with a cost larger than 1800 + 2 * 5000 = 11 800 are dropped.


Since version: 2.1Type: doubleCardinality: OptionalDefault value: 0.0 \ Path: /routingDefaults/itineraryFilters

Filter P+R routes that consist of driving and walking by the minimum fraction of the driving using of time.

This filters out results that consist of driving plus a very long walk leg at the end. A value of 0.3 means that a minimum of 30% of the total time must be spent in the car in order for the result to be included. However, if there is only a single result, it is never filtered.


Since version: 2.2Type: booleanCardinality: OptionalDefault value: false \ Path: /routingDefaults/itineraryFilters

Set to true if you want to list only the first itinerary which goes through the same stops and routes.

Itineraries visiting the same set of stops and riding the exact same routes, departing later are removed from the result.


Since version: 2.1Type: objectCardinality: Optional \ Path: /routingDefaults/itineraryFilters

A relative limit for the generalized-cost for transit itineraries.

The filter compares all itineraries against every other itinerary. If the generalized-cost plus a transitGeneralizedCostLimit is higher than the other generalized-cost, then the itinerary is dropped. The transitGeneralizedCostLimit is calculated using the costLimitFunction plus a relative cost for the distance in time between the itineraries. The relative cost is the intervalRelaxFactor multiplied with the interval in seconds. To set the costLimitFunction to be 1 hour plus 2 times cost use: 3600 + 2.0 x. To set an absolute value(3000s) use: 3000 + 0x


Since version: 2.1Type: enum map of durationCardinality: Optional \ Path: /routingDefaults \ Enum keys: not-set | walk | bike | bike-to-park | bike-rental | scooter-rental | car | car-to-park | car-pickup | car-rental | flexible

Limit access/egress per street mode.

Override the settings in maxAccessEgressDuration for specific street modes. This is done because some street modes searches are much more resource intensive than others.


Since version: 2.2Type: enum map of durationCardinality: Optional \ Path: /routingDefaults \ Enum keys: not-set | walk | bike | bike-to-park | bike-rental | scooter-rental | car | car-to-park | car-pickup | car-rental | flexible

Limit direct route duration per street mode.

Override the settings in maxDirectStreetDuration for specific street modes. This is done because some street modes searches are much more resource intensive than others.


Since version: 2.1Type: string[]Cardinality: Optional \ Path: /routingDefaults

Tags which are required to use a vehicle parking. If empty, no tags are required.


Since version: 2.1Type: objectCardinality: Optional \ Path: /routingDefaults

Optimize where a transfer between to trip happens.

The main purpose of transfer optimization is to handle cases where it is possible to transfer between two routes at more than one point (pair of stops). The transfer optimization ensures that transfers occur at the best possible location. By post-processing all paths returned by the router, OTP can apply sophisticated calculations that are too slow or not algorithmically valid within Raptor. Transfers are optimized is done after the Raptor search and before the paths are passed to the itinerary-filter-chain.

To toggle transfer optimization on or off use the OTPFeature OptimizeTransfers (default is on). You should leave this on unless there is a critical issue with it. The OTPFeature GuaranteedTransfers will toggle on and off the priority optimization (part of OptimizeTransfers).

The optimized transfer service will try to, in order:

  1. Use transfer priority. This includes stay-seated and guaranteed transfers.
  2. Use the transfers with the best distribution of the wait-time, and avoid very short transfers.
  3. Avoid back-travel
  4. Boost stop-priority to select preferred and recommended stops.

If two paths have the same transfer priority level, then we break the tie by looking at waiting times. The goal is to maximize the wait-time for each stop, avoiding situations where there is little time available to make the transfer. This is balanced with the generalized-cost. The cost is adjusted with a new cost for wait-time (optimized-wait-time-cost).

The defaults should work fine, but if you have results with short wait-times dominating a better option or "back-travel", then try to increase the minSafeWaitTimeFactor, backTravelWaitTimeFactor and/or extraStopBoardAlightCostsFactor.

For details on the logic/design see transfer optimization package documentation.


Since version: 2.1Type: doubleCardinality: OptionalDefault value: 1.0 \ Path: /routingDefaults/transferOptimization

To reduce back-travel we favor waiting, this reduces the cost of waiting.

The wait time is used to prevent back-travel, the backTravelWaitTimeFactor is multiplied with the wait-time and subtracted from the optimized-transfer-cost.


Since version: 2.1Type: doubleCardinality: OptionalDefault value: 0.0 \ Path: /routingDefaults/transferOptimization

Add an extra board- and alight-cost for prioritized stops.

A stopBoardAlightCosts is added to the generalized-cost during routing. But this cost cannot be too high, because that would add extra cost to the transfer, and favor other alternative paths. But, when optimizing transfers, we do not have to take other paths into consideration and can boost the stop-priority-cost to allow transfers to take place at a preferred stop. The cost added during routing is already added to the generalized-cost used as a base in the optimized transfer calculation. By setting this parameter to 0, no extra cost is added, by setting it to 1.0 the stop-cost is doubled. Stop priority is only supported by the NeTEx import, not GTFS.


Since version: 2.1Type: doubleCardinality: OptionalDefault value: 5.0 \ Path: /routingDefaults/transferOptimization

Used to set a maximum wait-time cost, base on min-safe-transfer-time.

This defines the maximum cost for the logarithmic function relative to the min-safe-transfer-time (t0) when wait time goes towards zero(0). f(0) = n * t0


Since version: 2.1Type: booleanCardinality: OptionalDefault value: true \ Path: /routingDefaults/transferOptimization

This enables the transfer wait time optimization.

If not enabled generalizedCost function is used to pick the optimal transfer point.


Since version: 2.1Type: enum map of doubleCardinality: Optional \ Path: /routingDefaults \ Enum keys: rail | coach | subway | bus | tram | ferry | airplane | cable-car | gondola | funicular | trolleybus | monorail

Transit reluctance for a given transport mode


Since version: 2.2Type: objectCardinality: Optional \ Path: /routingDefaults

Parameters listing authorities or lines that preferably should not be used in trip patters.

A cost is applied to boarding nonpreferred authorities or routes.

The routing engine will add extra penalty - on the unpreferred routes and/or agencies using a cost function. The cost function (unpreferredCost) is defined as a linear function of the form A + B x, where A is a fixed cost (in seconds) and B is reluctance multiplier for transit leg travel time x (in seconds).


Since version: 2.0Type: doubleCardinality: OptionalDefault value: 0.083 \ Path: /routingDefaults/wheelchairAccessibility

The maximum slope as a fraction of 1.

9 percent would be 0.09


Since version: 2.2Type: doubleCardinality: OptionalDefault value: 1.0 \ Path: /routingDefaults/wheelchairAccessibility

How much streets with high slope should be avoided.

What factor should be given to street edges, which are over the max slope. The penalty is not static but scales with how much you exceed the maximum slope. Set to negative to disable routing on too steep edges.


Since version: 2.2Type: doubleCardinality: OptionalDefault value: 100.0 \ Path: /routingDefaults/wheelchairAccessibility

How much stairs should be avoided.

Stairs are not completely excluded for wheelchair users but severely punished. This value determines how much they are punished. This should be a very high value as you want to only include stairs as a last result.