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How to migrate from OTP1 to OTP2

Command Line

The OTP2 command line parameters are different than in OTP1. Use the --help option to get the current documentation, and look at Basic Tutorial - Starting OTP for examples. The possibility to build the graph in 2 steps (streets then transit) is new in OTP2. OTP2 does not support routing on more than one separate transportation network with a single server (referred to as multiple "routers" in OTP1).

File Loading

OTP1 reads and writes all files on the local filesystem, and no other data-source is supported. In OTP2 we support accessing cloud storage. So far support for Google Cloud Storage has been added and we plan to add support for AWS S3 as well. Config files (otp-config.json, build-config.json, router-config.json) must be read from the local file system, while other files can be read/written from either the local filesystem or cloud storage. OTP2 supports mixing any supported data sources.

OTP1 loads input data files (DEM, OSM, GTFS, NeTEx) based on the suffix (file extension). But for GTFS files OTP1 also opens the zip-file and looks for stops.txt. OTP2 identifies GTFS files by the name only: it will detect any zip-file or directory that contains "gtfs" as part of the name. All file types in OTP2 are resolved by matching the name with a regexp pattern. You can configure the patterns in the build-config.json if the defaults do not suit you.

OTP2 does not support multiple routers (separate named networks to route on), but you can load as many GTFS and/or NeTEx feeds as you want into a single routable network in a single instance of OTP2.

Build Config

OTP will log all unrecognized parameters when starting up. Make sure to investigate all log events of this type:

16:18:46.911 WARN ( Unexpected config parameter: 'fetchElevationUS:false' in 'build-config.json'. Is the spelling correct?

New parameters

  • configVersion Optional parameter which can be used to version the build config file. Since v2.1
  • dataOverlay Config for the DataOverlay Sandbox module. Since v2.1
  • maxAreaNodes Visibility calculations will not be done for areas with more nodes than this limit. Since v2.1
  • maxJourneyDuration This limits the patterns we consider in the transit search. See RoutingRequest . Since v2.1
  • maxStopToShapeSnapDistance Used for mapping route geometry shapes. Since v2.1
  • transferRequests Pre-calculate transfers. Since v2.1
  • transitServiceStart Limit the import of transit services to the given start date. Default: -P1Y. Since v2.0
  • transitServiceEnd Limit the import of transit services to the given end date. Inclusive. Default: P3Y. Since v2.0
  • Since v2.2, data feeds can be configured individually by using the transitFeeds, osm and dem nodes.

Parameters whose names were changed

  • alightTimes to routingDefaults.alightSlackForMode. Since v2.0
  • boardTimes to routingDefaults.boardSlackForMode. Since v2.0
  • htmlAnnotations to dataImportReport. Since v2.0
  • maxHtmlAnnotationsPerFile to maxDataImportIssuesPerFile. Since v2.0
  • maxTransferDistance to maxTransferDurationSeconds. Since v2.1

These parameters are no longer supported

  • fetchElevationUS. Since v2.1
  • parentStopLinking. Since v2.0
  • staticBikeRental. Since v2.1
  • stationTransfers. Since v2.0
  • stopClusterMode. Since v2.0
  • useTransfersTxt. Since v2.1

Since v2.2, osmWayPropertySet was renamed osmTagMapping and is part of the individual osm source. The driving direction and intersection cost model were decoupled for the tag mapping and can be configured using drivingDirection and intersectionTraversalModel inside routingDefaults.

OTP2 records the "parentStation" relationship between stops and stations in its internal transit model, based on the GTFS and/or NeTEx input. This enables OTP to search from all stop in a station without walking/waiting when the request from/to input field is a station id. There is no way to automatically infer this parent station relationship based on geographic proximity in OTP2.

Transfers in OTP2 are generated based on the stop location and the OSM data or GTFS Pathways. In future versions of OTP2 we also want to support generating simple transfers based on "line-of-sight" if no pathways or OSM data exist. See issue #3204.

Cleaning and patching input data is NOT a core feature of OTP, but anyone is welcome to implement a sandbox plugin to patch data. So, if any of the features above are needed they can be ported from OTP1 into an OTP2 sandbox feature.

Router Config

See the Router Configuration for a description of the new and existing routing parameters.

New parameters

  • flex Add configuration for flex services (sandbox feature). Since v2.1
  • configVersion Optional parameter which can be used to version the build config file. Since v2.1
  • streetRoutingTimeout Maximum time limit for street route queries. Replace the old timeout. Since v2.0
  • transit A set of parameters to tune the Raptor transit router. Since v2.0, changed in v2.1
  • itineraryFilters Configure itinerary filters that may modify itineraries, sort them, and filter away less preferable results. Since v2.0, changed in v2.1
  • transferOptimization Configure the new transfer optimization feature. Since 2.1

These parameters are no longer supported

  • timeout Replaced by streetRoutingTimeout. Since v2.0
  • timeouts OTP1 searches the graph many times. OTP2 finds multiple results in a single search so there is no longer a need for this parameter. Since v2.0
  • boardTimes is replaced by request parameter boardSlack and boardSlackForMode. Since v2.0
  • alightTimes is replaced by request parameter alightSlack and alightSlackForMode. Since v2.0
  • disableAlertFiltering Not implemented in OTP2. Since v2.0


Trip Planning

Support for XML as a request/response format is removed. The only supported format is JSON. Some of these parameters may only be available as defaultRequest configuration parameters.

Query parameter changes

A lot of the query parameters in the REST API are ignored/deprecated, see the RoutingRequest and the RoutingResource class for the documentation on what is now supported in OTP2.

Parameters missing in OTP2 but intended to be reintroduced

  • startingTransitTripId - ability to plan a trip from on board a vehicle
  • intermediatePlaces - ability to specify intermediate destinations along the route. It is not certain when this will be implemented.
  • nonpreferredTransferCost, (un)preferredRoutes, (un)preferredAgencies - these help diversify or customize the trips and operators visible in results. Due to the new transit routing algorithm, Entur plans to completely rewrite these features, accounting for market-neutrality requirements and showing relevant trips and operators in local vs. intercity trips.

Some features in OTP1 will not be present upon launch in OTP2, and they are proposed to be removed permanently from OTP2, but may require some development to support valid important cases:

  • maxWalkDistance, maxTransferWalkDistance, & maxWait - these parameters impose hard limits and are no longer the preferred way to reduce the amount of walking or waiting in returned itineraries. In OTP2 the goal is to control this with walkReluctance and waitReluctance. Internally some limits on walking and waiting do still exist, but they are set quite high so trips with long walking or waiting times are still considered. Note that unlike in OTP1, if you do set your own max walk or wait time on an API request, it will apply to both transit searches and non-transit searches.
  • maxHours & useRequestedDateTimeInMaxHours - This is replaced by searchWindow, which limits the arrival or departure window of the trip
  • worstTime - This factor returns the “worst” trip in a depart after/arrive by search, i.e. the latest or earliest trip available. It is not a priority for current OTP2 users but could be added as a filter.
  • waitAtBeginningFactor - No longer necessary to weight the initial wait differently based on the the Range Raptor search algorithm, which no longer prefers a departure at one valid time over another. Filtering could be implemented on top of Raptor to show certain departure times before others. Removed in v2.2.
  • pathComparator - The ability to set a sort order based on departure or arrival should be the domain of the API rather than the search.
  • startingTransitStopId - this is redundant, as the same thing can be achieved with fromPlace
  • onlyTransitTrips - it is now possible to specify access, egress, transit and direct modes separately, making this parameter unnecessary.

Parameters that have changed

  • numItineraries The parameter is no longer used to terminate the request when the numItineraries is found, instead the new searchWindow parameter should be used to limit the search. In OTP2 it crops the list of itineraries AFTER the search is complete. This parameter is a post search filter function. The best option is to configure this on the server side and not use it as a client side input parameter. A side effect from reducing the result is that OTP2 cannot guarantee to find all pareto-optimal itineraries when paging. Also, a large search-window and a small numItineraries waste computer CPU calculation time. Consider tuning the searchWindow instead of setting this to a small value. Since 2.0
  • modes The REST API is unchanged, but is mapped into a new structure in the RouteRequest. This means not all combinations of non-transit modes that was available in OTP1 is available in OTP2. Since 2.0
  • preferredAgencies, unpreferredAgencies, bannedAgencies and whiteListedAgencies use feed-scoped ids. If you are using the ids directly from the Index API, no changes are needed. Since 2.0
  • maxTransferDistance, replaced by maxTransferDurationSeconds Since 2.1
  • bannedTrips no longer allows specifying stop indices, but only allows banning complete trips. Since 2.2

New parameters in OTP2

  • alightSlackForMode How much time alighting a vehicle takes for each given mode. Since 2.0
  • allowedVehicleRentalNetworks and bannedVehicleRentalNetworks. Since 2.1
  • bikeReluctance, bikeWalkingReluctance, bikeWalkingSpeed, carReluctance, and walkingBike Add explicit bike / bike-walking / car / walk reluctance. Since 2.1
  • boardSlackForMode How much time ride a vehicle takes for each given mode. Since 2.0
  • carPickupCost and carPickupTime. Add a cost/time for CarPickup changes when a pickup or drop off takes place. Since 2.1
  • maxAccessEgressDurationForMode Limit access/egress per street mode. Since 2.2
  • This was called maxAccessEgressDurationSecondsForMode between 2.0 and 2.2
  • maxDirectStreetDurationForMode Limit direct route duration per street mode. Since 2.2
  • parkAndRideDurationRatio Filter for park and ride with long walk. Since 2.1
  • requiredVehicleParkingTags and bannedVehicleParkingTags. Since 2.1
  • searchWindow Limit the departure window or arrival window for the routing search. Since 2.0
  • stairsTimeFactor Add a penalty to the time it takes to walk up and down stairs. Since 2.1

These parameters are no longer supported

  • maxHours Since 2.1
  • maxPreTransitTime Since 2.1
  • maxWeight Since 2.1
  • driveOnRight You can specify the driving direction in your way property set. Since 2.1
  • bannedTrips Not supported in 2.0 and 2.1
  • waitAtBeginningFactor Since 2.2


In OTP1 most clients provided a way to break results into pages by looking at the trips returned and issuing another request, supplying something like the last-depature-time + 1 minute to the next request. This yields another batch of trips to show to the user. In OTP2 the recommended way to do this is to use the new TripPlan metadata returned by the router call.

In OTP 2.0 the server returned a set of parameters(searchWindowUsed, nextDateTime, and prevDateTime), but in OTP 2.1 we have switched to a token-based approach to paging. In the response there is a next/previous cursor. Duplicate the request and set the new pageCursor to go the next/previous page.

Response changes

  • agencyId in the leg is now feed-scoped and similarly to other ids, is prefixed with <FEED_ID>:
  • debugOutput in TripPlan has changed due to the different algorithms used in OTP version 1.x and 2.x.
  • The totalTime is left as is, directStreetRouterTime, transitRouterTime, filteringTime and renderingTime are new fields.
  • effectiveEndDate is added to the Alerts

Changes to the Index API

  • Error handling is improved, this is now consistently applied and uses build in framework support.
  • The HTTP 400 and 404 response now contains a detailed error message in plain text targeted developers to help understanding why the 400 or 404 was returned.
  • Route
  • Deprecated 'routeBikesAllowed' field removed.
  • sortOrder will be empty (missing) when empty, NOT -999 as before.
  • To access or references TripPattern use tripPatternId, not code. In OTP1 the code was used. The code was the same as the id without the feedId prefix. The code is removed from OTP2. Clients may not be affected by this change, unless they toke advantage of the semantics in the old code.
  • The mode field is added to Route, it should probebly replace the type(unchanged). The RouteShort is not chencged - it has the mode field.
  • Pattern (or TripPattern)
    • The semantics of the id should NOT be used to access other related entities like Route, the routeId is added to TripPatternShort to allow navigation to Route.
  • Trip
    • The deprecated tripBikesAllowed is removed.
    • The routeId replace route. The route is no longer part of the trip. To obtain the Route object call the Index API with the routeId.
  • Stop
    • The new stationId is a feed-scoped-id to the parent station. It should be used instead of the deprecated ~~parentStation~~.
  • StopShort
    • The new stationId is a feed-scoped-id to the parent station. It should be used instead of the deprecated ~~cluster~~.
  • Agency
    • The id is now feed-scoped and similarly to other ids, is prefixed with <FEED_ID>:
  • Alert
    • effectiveEndDate is added to show the end time of the alert validity.


The returned data structure is changed and more info is available.


The AlertPatcher, which was under the /patch path, is removed. In order to update alerts, please use a GTFS-RT Service Alert updater instead. An example of a simple service for producing static GTFS-RT Service Alert feed from JSON is manual-gtfsrt.

Querying for alerts has been moved under the index API, where /alerts can be appended to stop, route, trip and pattern.


The analyst API endpoints have been removed.


The scripting API endpoint has been removed.


  • Floating bikes have been disabled by default in the GbfsBikeRentalDataSource unless explicitly turned on via OTPFeature.
  • Allow http headers to be configured for bike rental updaters
  • The following bike updaters have been removed: b-cycle, bicimad, bixi, city-bikes, and * citi-bike-nyc, jcdecaux, keolis-rennes, kml, next-bike, ov-fiets, sf-bay-area, * share-bike, smoove, uip-bike, and vcub. Use the standard gtfs updater instead, or reintroduce your custom updater as a Sandbox module.
  • The logFrequency, maxSnapshotFrequency, purgeExpiredData updater parameters are moved from the individual updaters to timetableUpdates(root level in the router config).