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Siri-ET Google PubSub Updater

Support for consuming SIRI-ET messages over a Google Cloud PubSub subscription. Similarly to the SIRI-ET HTTP updater, this updater is developed to support the Nordic SIRI profile which is a subset of the SIRI specification.

Contact Info

Entur, Norway


This updater consumes SIRI real time information over an asynchronous publisher/subscriber feed provided by a Google Cloud PubSub topic.

For more documentation see the Entur Real-Time Data documentation and the Norwegian SIRI profile .


To enable the SIRI-ET Google PubSub updater you need to add it to the updaters section of the router-config.json.

Siri-ET via Google PubSub

Config Parameter Type Summary Req./Opt. Default Value Since
type = "siri-et-google-pubsub-updater" enum The type of the updater. Required 1.5
dataInitializationUrl string URL used to download over HTTP the recent history of SIRI-ET messages. Optional 2.1
feedId string The ID of the feed to apply the updates to. Optional 2.1
fuzzyTripMatching boolean If the trips should be matched fuzzily. Optional false 2.1
initialGetDataTimeout duration Timeout for retrieving the recent history of SIRI-ET messages. Optional "PT30S" 2.1
reconnectPeriod duration Wait this amount of time before trying to reconnect to the PubSub subscription. Optional "PT30S" 2.1
subscriptionProjectName string The Google Cloud project that hosts the PubSub subscription. Required 2.1
topicName string The name of the PubSub topic that publishes the updates. Required 2.1
topicProjectName string The Google Cloud project that hosts the PubSub topic that publishes the updates. Required 2.1
Parameter details


Since version: 2.1Type: stringCardinality: Optional
Path: /updaters/[13]

URL used to download over HTTP the recent history of SIRI-ET messages.

Optionally the updater can download the recent history of SIRI-ET messages from this URL. If this parameter is set, the updater will be marked as initialized (primed) only when the message history is fully downloaded and applied.


Since version: 2.1Type: durationCardinality: OptionalDefault value: "PT30S"
Path: /updaters/[13]

Timeout for retrieving the recent history of SIRI-ET messages.

When trying to fetch the message history over HTTP, the updater will wait this amount of time for the connection to be established. If the connection times out, the updater will retry indefinitely with exponential backoff.


Since version: 2.1Type: durationCardinality: OptionalDefault value: "PT30S"
Path: /updaters/[13]

Wait this amount of time before trying to reconnect to the PubSub subscription.

In case of a network error, the updater will try periodically to reconnect to the Google PubSub subscription.


Since version: 2.1Type: stringCardinality: Required
Path: /updaters/[13]

The Google Cloud project that hosts the PubSub subscription.

During startup, the updater creates a PubSub subscription that listens to the PubSub topic that publishes SIRI-ET updates. This parameter specifies in which Google Cloud project the subscription will be created. The topic and the subscription can be hosted in two different projects.

Example configuration
// router-config.json
  "updaters" : [
      "type" : "siri-et-google-pubsub-updater",
      "feedId" : "feed_id",
      "reconnectPeriod" : "5s",
      "initialGetDataTimeout" : "1m20s",
      "topicProjectName" : "google_pubsub_topic_project_name",
      "subscriptionProjectName" : "google_pubsub_subscription_project_name",
      "topicName" : "estimated_timetables",
      "dataInitializationUrl" : "",
      "fuzzyTripMatching" : true