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Vehicle Parking Updaters

Contact Info

  • For Liipi updater: Digitransit team, HSL, Helsinki, Finland
  • For Bikely, Bikeep and SIRI-FM updater: Leonard Ehrenfried,


This sandbox contains vehicle parking updaters. Unlike for some other sandbox features, this is not enabled/disabled through otp-config.json but from router-config.json updaters.

Currently contains the following updaters:


These sandboxed vehicle parking updaters can be enabled by editing the updaters section in the router-config.json according to the following examples.

All updaters have the following parameters in common:

  • type: this needs to be "vehicle-parking"
  • feedId: this is used as a "prefix" for park ids, entrance ids and sometimes also for tags.


Config Parameter Type Summary Req./Opt. Default Value Since
type = "vehicle-parking" enum The type of the updater. Required 1.5
facilitiesFrequencySec integer How often the facilities should be updated. Optional 3600 2.2
facilitiesUrl string URL of the facilities. Optional 2.2
feedId string The id of the data source, which will be the prefix of the parking lot's id. Required 2.2
hubsUrl string Hubs URL Optional 2.2
sourceType enum The source of the vehicle updates. Required 2.2
timeZone time-zone The time zone of the feed. Optional 2.2
utilizationsFrequencySec integer How often the utilization should be updated. Optional 600 2.2
utilizationsUrl string URL of the utilization data. Optional 2.2



Since version: 2.2Type: stringCardinality: Required
Path: /updaters/[2]

The id of the data source, which will be the prefix of the parking lot's id.

This will end up in the API responses as the feed id of the parking lot.


Since version: 2.2Type: enumCardinality: Required
Path: /updaters/[2]
Enum values: park-api | bicycle-park-api | liipi | bikely | bikeep | siri-fm

The source of the vehicle updates.


Since version: 2.2Type: time-zoneCardinality: Optional
Path: /updaters/[2]

The time zone of the feed.

Used for converting abstract opening hours into concrete points in time.

Example configuration
// router-config.json
  "updaters" : [
      "type" : "vehicle-parking",
      "sourceType" : "liipi",
      "feedId" : "liipi",
      "timeZone" : "Europe/Helsinki",
      "facilitiesFrequencySec" : 3600,
      "facilitiesUrl" : "",
      "utilizationsFrequencySec" : 600,
      "utilizationsUrl" : "",
      "hubsUrl" : ""


Config Parameter Type Summary Req./Opt. Default Value Since
type = "vehicle-parking" enum The type of the updater. Required 1.5
feedId string The id of the data source, which will be the prefix of the parking lot's id. Required 2.2
frequency duration How often to update the source. Optional "PT1M" 2.2
sourceType enum The source of the vehicle updates. Required 2.2
timeZone time-zone The time zone of the feed. Optional 2.2
url string URL of the resource. Required 2.2
headers map of string HTTP headers to add to the request. Any header key, value can be inserted. Optional 2.2
tags string[] Tags to add to the parking lots. Optional 2.2



Since version: 2.2Type: stringCardinality: Required
Path: /updaters/[3]

The id of the data source, which will be the prefix of the parking lot's id.

This will end up in the API responses as the feed id of the parking lot.


Since version: 2.2Type: enumCardinality: Required
Path: /updaters/[3]
Enum values: park-api | bicycle-park-api | liipi | bikely | bikeep | siri-fm

The source of the vehicle updates.


Since version: 2.2Type: time-zoneCardinality: Optional
Path: /updaters/[3]

The time zone of the feed.

Used for converting abstract opening hours into concrete points in time.


Since version: 2.2Type: map of stringCardinality: Optional
Path: /updaters/[3]

HTTP headers to add to the request. Any header key, value can be inserted.


Since version: 2.2Type: string[]Cardinality: Optional
Path: /updaters/[3]

Tags to add to the parking lots.

Example configuration
// router-config.json
  "updaters" : [
      "type" : "vehicle-parking",
      "sourceType" : "park-api",
      "feedId" : "parkapi",
      "timeZone" : "Europe/Berlin",
      "frequency" : "10m",
      "url" : "",
      "headers" : {
        "Cache-Control" : "max-age=604800"
      "tags" : [


Config Parameter Type Summary Req./Opt. Default Value Since
type = "vehicle-parking" enum The type of the updater. Required 1.5
feedId string The id of the data source, which will be the prefix of the parking lot's id. Required 2.2
frequency duration How often to update the source. Optional "PT1M" 2.3
sourceType enum The source of the vehicle updates. Required 2.2
url uri URL of the locations endpoint. Required 2.3
headers map of string HTTP headers to add to the request. Any header key, value can be inserted. Optional 2.3



Since version: 2.2Type: stringCardinality: Required
Path: /updaters/[4]

The id of the data source, which will be the prefix of the parking lot's id.

This will end up in the API responses as the feed id of the parking lot.


Since version: 2.2Type: enumCardinality: Required
Path: /updaters/[4]
Enum values: park-api | bicycle-park-api | liipi | bikely | bikeep | siri-fm

The source of the vehicle updates.


Since version: 2.3Type: map of stringCardinality: Optional
Path: /updaters/[4]

HTTP headers to add to the request. Any header key, value can be inserted.

Example configuration
// router-config.json
  "updaters" : [
      "type" : "vehicle-parking",
      "feedId" : "bikely",
      "sourceType" : "bikely",
      "url" : "",
      "headers" : {
        "X-Bikely-Token" : "${BIKELY_TOKEN}",
        "Authorization" : "${BIKELY_AUTHORIZATION}"


Config Parameter Type Summary Req./Opt. Default Value Since
type = "vehicle-parking" enum The type of the updater. Required 1.5
feedId string The id of the data source, which will be the prefix of the parking lot's id. Required 2.2
frequency duration How often to update the source. Optional "PT1M" 2.6
sourceType enum The source of the vehicle updates. Required 2.2
url uri URL of the locations endpoint. Required 2.6
headers map of string HTTP headers to add to the request. Any header key, value can be inserted. Optional 2.6



Since version: 2.2Type: stringCardinality: Required
Path: /updaters/[13]

The id of the data source, which will be the prefix of the parking lot's id.

This will end up in the API responses as the feed id of the parking lot.


Since version: 2.2Type: enumCardinality: Required
Path: /updaters/[13]
Enum values: park-api | bicycle-park-api | liipi | bikely | bikeep | siri-fm

The source of the vehicle updates.


Since version: 2.6Type: map of stringCardinality: Optional
Path: /updaters/[13]

HTTP headers to add to the request. Any header key, value can be inserted.

Example configuration
// router-config.json
  "updaters" : [
      "type" : "vehicle-parking",
      "feedId" : "bikeep",
      "sourceType" : "bikeep",
      "url" : ""


The SIRI-FM updater works slightly differently from the others in that it only updates the availability of parking but does not create new lots in realtime.

The data source must conform to the Italian SIRI-FM profile which requires SIRI 2.1.

Config Parameter Type Summary Req./Opt. Default Value Since
type = "vehicle-parking" enum The type of the updater. Required 1.5
feedId string The id of the data source, which will be the prefix of the parking lot's id. Required 2.2
frequency duration How often to update the source. Optional "PT1M" 2.6
sourceType enum The source of the vehicle updates. Required 2.2
url uri URL of the SIRI-FM Light endpoint. Required 2.6
headers map of string HTTP headers to add to the request. Any header key, value can be inserted. Optional 2.6



Since version: 2.2Type: stringCardinality: Required
Path: /updaters/[14]

The id of the data source, which will be the prefix of the parking lot's id.

This will end up in the API responses as the feed id of the parking lot.


Since version: 2.2Type: enumCardinality: Required
Path: /updaters/[14]
Enum values: park-api | bicycle-park-api | liipi | bikely | bikeep | siri-fm

The source of the vehicle updates.


Since version: 2.6Type: uriCardinality: Required
Path: /updaters/[14]

URL of the SIRI-FM Light endpoint.

SIRI Light means that it must be available as a HTTP GET request rather than the usual SIRI request mechanism of HTTP POST.

The contents must also conform to the Italian SIRI profile which requires SIRI 2.1.


Since version: 2.6Type: map of stringCardinality: Optional
Path: /updaters/[14]

HTTP headers to add to the request. Any header key, value can be inserted.

Example configuration
// router-config.json
  "updaters" : [
      "type" : "vehicle-parking",
      "feedId" : "parking",
      "sourceType" : "siri-fm",
      "url" : ""


  • Create initial sandbox implementation (January 2022, #3796)
  • Add timeZone parameter to Liipi updater (September 2022, #4427)
  • Added support for Liipi parking hubs (October 2022, #4510)
  • Add Bikely updater (November 2022, #4589)