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OSM tag mapping

This page is intended to give an overview of which OpenStreetMap(OSM) tags OTP uses to evaluate its walking and bicycling instructions. If a tag is not part of the documentation on this page then this tag mapper (profile) does not use it.

The exception are access permissions and wheelchair accessibility tags like

  • access=no
  • wheelchair=no
  • oneway=yes

These are identical for all mappers and not separately listed on this page.

Way properties

Way properties set a way's permission and optionally influences its walk and bicycle safety factors.

These factors determine how desirable an OSM way is when routing for cyclists and pedestrians. Lower safety values make an OSM way more desirable and higher values less desirable.

specifier permission bike safety walk safety
highway one of [motorway, motorway_link] CAR
highway one of [trunk, trunk_link, primary, primary_link]; motorroad=yes CAR
highway one of [trunk, trunk_link, primary, primary_link, secondary, secondary_link, tertiary, tertiary_link, unclassified, residential] ALL
cycleway=track; highway one of [trunk, trunk_link, primary, primary_link, secondary, secondary_link, tertiary, tertiary_link, unclassified, residential] ALL
cycleway=lane; highway one of [trunk, trunk_link, primary, primary_link, secondary, secondary_link, tertiary, tertiary_link] ALL 1.27
cycleway=lane; maxspeed < 50; highway one of [trunk, trunk_link, primary, primary_link, secondary, secondary_link, tertiary, tertiary_link] ALL 1.1
cycleway=lane; highway one of [unclassified, residential] ALL 1.1
highway=service ALL
highway=service; service=parking_aisle ALL 2.5
highway=service; service=drive-through ALL 2.5
highway=living_street ALL 1.83
highway=pedestrian PEDESTRIAN_AND_BICYCLE 1.2
highway=busway PEDESTRIAN_AND_BICYCLE 2.37 1.9
highway=service; bus one of [yes, designated] PEDESTRIAN_AND_BICYCLE 2.37 1.9
highway=footway PEDESTRIAN_AND_BICYCLE 1.42
highway=cycleway PEDESTRIAN_AND_BICYCLE 1.05 1.4
highway=cycleway; lanes > 1 PEDESTRIAN_AND_BICYCLE 1.4
highway=cycleway; oneway=yes PEDESTRIAN_AND_BICYCLE 1.4
highway=cycleway; sidewalk one of [yes, left, right, both] PEDESTRIAN_AND_BICYCLE 1.05
highway=cycleway; lanes > 1; sidewalk one of [yes, left, right, both] PEDESTRIAN_AND_BICYCLE
highway=cycleway; oneway=yes; sidewalk one of [yes, left, right, both] PEDESTRIAN_AND_BICYCLE
highway=cycleway; foot=designated; segregated=no PEDESTRIAN_AND_BICYCLE 1.05 1.15
highway=path; foot=designated; bicycle=designated; segregated=no PEDESTRIAN_AND_BICYCLE 1.05 1.15
highway=cycleway; foot=designated; segregated=yes PEDESTRIAN_AND_BICYCLE 1.05
highway=path; foot=designated; bicycle=designated; segregated=yes PEDESTRIAN_AND_BICYCLE 1.05
highway=cycleway; foot=designated; segregated=yes; lanes > 1 PEDESTRIAN_AND_BICYCLE
highway=cycleway; foot=designated; present(segregated); motor_vehicle=destination PEDESTRIAN_AND_BICYCLE 1.57
highway=path; foot=designated; bicycle=designated; present(segregated); motor_vehicle=destination PEDESTRIAN_AND_BICYCLE 1.57
highway=footway; footway=sidewalk PEDESTRIAN_AND_BICYCLE 1.93 1.1
highway=footway; footway=crossing PEDESTRIAN_AND_BICYCLE 2.33 1.35
highway=cycleway; cycleway=crossing PEDESTRIAN_AND_BICYCLE 2.33 1.35
highway=bridleway PEDESTRIAN_AND_BICYCLE
highway=steps PEDESTRIAN
highway=corridor PEDESTRIAN
highway=footway; indoor=yes PEDESTRIAN
highway=platform PEDESTRIAN
public_transport=platform PEDESTRIAN
trail_visibility one of [bad, low, poor, horrible, no]; highway=path NONE
sac_scale one of [demanding_mountain_hiking, alpine_hiking, demanding_alpine_hiking, difficult_alpine_hiking]; highway one of [path, steps] NONE
smoothness one of [horrible, very_horrible]; highway one of [path, bridleway, track] PEDESTRIAN 1.15
smoothness=impassable; highway one of [path, bridleway, track] NONE
1 > mtb:scale < 2; highway one of [path, bridleway, track] PEDESTRIAN 1.15
mtb:scale > 2; highway one of [path, bridleway, track] NONE

Safety mixins

Mixins are selectors that have only an effect on the bicycle and walk safety factors but not on the permission of an OSM way. Their safety values are multiplied with the base values from the selected way properties. Multiple mixins can apply to the same way and their effects compound.

matcher bicycle safety walk safety
cycleway=shared_lane; highway one of [trunk, trunk_link, primary, primary_link, secondary, secondary_link, tertiary, tertiary_link, unclassified, residential] 0.85
lcn=yes¦rcn=yes¦ncn=yes 0.85
oneway=yes; cycleway not one of [no, none] or absent; highway one of [trunk, trunk_link, primary, primary_link, secondary, secondary_link, tertiary, tertiary_link, unclassified, residential] forward: 1.0
back: 1.15
embedded_rails one of [tram, light_rail, disused] 1.2
tunnel=yes; highway one of [trunk, trunk_link, primary, primary_link, secondary, secondary_link, tertiary, tertiary_link, unclassified] 2.0
bridge=yes; sidewalk not one of [no, separate] or absent; highway one of [trunk, trunk_link, primary, primary_link, secondary, secondary_link, tertiary, tertiary_link, unclassified]¦verge=no; sidewalk not one of [no, separate] or absent; highway one of [trunk, trunk_link, primary, primary_link, secondary, secondary_link, tertiary, tertiary_link, unclassified] 2.0
junction=roundabout; sidewalk not one of [no, separate] or absent 2.0
surface=grass_paver 1.2
surface=sett 1.2
surface=cobblestone 1.2
surface=unhewn_cobblestone 3.0
surface=metal_grid 1.2
surface=metal 1.2
smoothness=intermediate; surface one of [asfalt, concrete, paving_stones, paved, wood] 1.2
smoothness=bad; surface one of [asfalt, concrete, paving_stones, paved, wood] 1.4 1.6
surface=unpaved; !tracktype 1.8 1.6
surface=compacted 1.4 1.4
surface=fine_gravel 1.8 1.6
surface=pebblestone 1.8 1.6
surface=gravel 1.8 1.6
surface=woodchip 1.8 1.6
surface=ground 2.3 2.4
surface=dirt 2.3 2.4
surface=earth 2.3 2.4
surface=grass 2.3 1.8
surface=mud 3.0 3.0
surface=sand 3.0 1.8
!tracktype; surface not one of [unpaved] or absent; highway one of [track, bridleway] 1.8 1.6
tracktype=grade2; surface not one of [unpaved] or absent; highway one of [track, bridleway, service, unclassified] 1.4 1.4
tracktype=grade3; surface not one of [unpaved] or absent; highway one of [track, bridleway, service, unclassified] 1.8 1.6
tracktype=grade4; surface not one of [unpaved] or absent; highway one of [track, bridleway, service, unclassified] 2.3 1.8
tracktype=grade5; surface not one of [unpaved] or absent; highway one of [track, bridleway, service, unclassified] 2.3 2.4
surface not one of [no, none] or absent; highway=path 2.3 2.4
sac_scale=mountain_hiking 1.8
trail_visibility=intermediate 1.8