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GTFS feeds contain schedule data that is published by an agency or operator in advance. The feed does not account for unexpected service changes or traffic disruptions that occur from day to day. Thus, this kind of data is also referred to as 'static' data or 'scheduled' arrival and departure times.

GTFS-Realtime complements GTFS with additional kinds of feeds. In contrast to the base GTFS schedule feed, they provide real-time updates ('dynamic' data) and are updated from minute to minute.


Alerts are text messages attached to GTFS objects, informing riders of disruptions and changes. The information is downloaded in a single HTTP request and polled regularly.

Config Parameter Type Summary Req./Opt. Default Value Since
type = "real-time-alerts" enum The type of the updater. Required 1.5
earlyStartSec integer How long before the posted start of an event it should be displayed to users Optional 0 1.5
feedId string The id of the feed to apply the alerts to. Required 1.5
frequency duration How often the URL should be fetched. Optional "PT1M" 1.5
fuzzyTripMatching boolean Whether to match trips fuzzily. Optional false 1.5
url string URL to fetch the GTFS-RT feed from. Required 1.5
headers map of string HTTP headers to add to the request. Any header key, value can be inserted. Optional 2.3
Parameter details


Since version: 2.3Type: map of stringCardinality: Optional
Path: /updaters/[0]

HTTP headers to add to the request. Any header key, value can be inserted.

Example configuration
// router-config.json
  "updaters" : [
      "type" : "real-time-alerts",
      "frequency" : "30s",
      "url" : "",
      "feedId" : "TriMet",
      "headers" : {
        "Some-Header" : "A-Value"

TripUpdates via HTTP(S)

TripUpdates report on the status of scheduled trips as they happen, providing observed and predicted arrival and departure times for the remainder of the trip. The information is downloaded in a single HTTP request and polled regularly.

Config Parameter Type Summary Req./Opt. Default Value Since
type = "stop-time-updater" enum The type of the updater. Required 1.5
backwardsDelayPropagationType enum How backwards propagation should be handled. Optional "required-no-data" 2.2
feedId string Which feed the updates apply to. Required 1.5
frequency duration How often the data should be downloaded. Optional "PT1M" 1.5
fuzzyTripMatching boolean If the trips should be matched fuzzily. Optional false 1.5
url string The URL of the GTFS-RT resource. Required 1.5
headers map of string HTTP headers to add to the request. Any header key, value can be inserted. Optional 2.3
Parameter details


Since version: 2.2Type: enumCardinality: OptionalDefault value: "required-no-data"
Path: /updaters/[5]
Enum values: required-no-data | required | always

How backwards propagation should be handled.

REQUIRED_NO_DATA: Default value. Only propagates delays backwards when it is required to ensure that the times are increasing, and it sets the NO_DATA flag on the stops so these automatically updated times are not exposed through APIs.

REQUIRED: Only propagates delays backwards when it is required to ensure that the times are increasing. The updated times are exposed through APIs.

ALWAYS Propagates delays backwards on stops with no estimates regardless if it's required or not. The updated times are exposed through APIs.


Since version: 1.5Type: stringCardinality: Required
Path: /updaters/[5]

The URL of the GTFS-RT resource.

file: URLs are also supported if you want to read a file from the local disk.


Since version: 2.3Type: map of stringCardinality: Optional
Path: /updaters/[5]

HTTP headers to add to the request. Any header key, value can be inserted.

Example configuration
// router-config.json
  "updaters" : [
      "type" : "stop-time-updater",
      "frequency" : "1m",
      "backwardsDelayPropagationType" : "REQUIRED_NO_DATA",
      "url" : "",
      "feedId" : "TriMet",
      "headers" : {
        "Authorization" : "A-Token"

Streaming TripUpdates via MQTT

This updater connects to an MQTT broker and processes TripUpdates in a streaming fashion. This means that they will be applied individually in near-realtime rather than in batches at a certain interval.

This system powers the realtime updates in Helsinki and more information can be found on Github.

Config Parameter Type Summary Req./Opt. Default Value Since
type = "mqtt-gtfs-rt-updater" enum The type of the updater. Required 1.5
backwardsDelayPropagationType enum How backwards propagation should be handled. Optional "required-no-data" 2.2
feedId string The feed id to apply the updates to. Required 2.0
fuzzyTripMatching boolean Whether to match trips fuzzily. Optional false 2.0
qos integer QOS level. Optional 0 2.0
topic string The topic to subscribe to. Required 2.0
url string URL of the MQTT broker. Required 2.0
Parameter details


Since version: 2.2Type: enumCardinality: OptionalDefault value: "required-no-data"
Path: /updaters/[6]
Enum values: required-no-data | required | always

How backwards propagation should be handled.

REQUIRED_NO_DATA: Default value. Only propagates delays backwards when it is required to ensure that the times are increasing, and it sets the NO_DATA flag on the stops so these automatically updated times are not exposed through APIs.

REQUIRED: Only propagates delays backwards when it is required to ensure that the times are increasing. The updated times are exposed through APIs.

ALWAYS: Propagates delays backwards on stops with no estimates regardless if it's required or not. The updated times are exposed through APIs.

Example configuration
// router-config.json
  "updaters" : [
      "type" : "mqtt-gtfs-rt-updater",
      "url" : "tcp://",
      "topic" : "gtfsrt/v2/fi/hsl/tu",
      "feedId" : "HSL",
      "fuzzyTripMatching" : true

Vehicle Positions

VehiclePositions give the location of some or all vehicles currently in service, in terms of geographic coordinates or position relative to their scheduled stops. The information is downloaded in a single HTTP request and polled regularly.

Config Parameter Type Summary Req./Opt. Default Value Since
type = "vehicle-positions" enum The type of the updater. Required 1.5
feedId string Feed ID to which the update should be applied. Required 2.2
frequency duration How often the positions should be updated. Optional "PT1M" 2.2
fuzzyTripMatching boolean Whether to match trips fuzzily. Optional false 2.5
url uri The URL of GTFS-RT protobuf HTTP resource to download the positions from. Required 2.2
features enum set Which features of GTFS RT vehicle positions should be loaded into OTP. Optional 2.5
headers map of string HTTP headers to add to the request. Any header key, value can be inserted. Optional 2.3
Parameter details


Since version: 2.5Type: enum setCardinality: Optional
Path: /updaters/[7]
Enum values: position | stop-position | occupancy

Which features of GTFS RT vehicle positions should be loaded into OTP.


Since version: 2.3Type: map of stringCardinality: Optional
Path: /updaters/[7]

HTTP headers to add to the request. Any header key, value can be inserted.

Example configuration
// router-config.json
  "updaters" : [
      "type" : "vehicle-positions",
      "url" : "",
      "feedId" : "1",
      "frequency" : "1m",
      "headers" : {
        "Header-Name" : "Header-Value"
      "fuzzyTripMatching" : false,
      "features" : [